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How Smiling Affects Your Health

Human facial expressions, transmit an array of information that can be received, read, and interpreted by others. By moving our faces using different muscles we can create thousands of different messages. All of which provides a visual cue to others of our overall...

How Long Does It Take To Whiten My Teeth?

​If you are thinking about getting your teeth professionally whitened, you might be wondering how long it takes and lasts. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer. Often it depends on the starting colour of your teeth, the type of treatment used and what has...

The Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is often associated with correcting and addressing the aesthetics of an individual’s mouth. As technology has developed and evolved over the years, dentists are able to give patients, brighter teeth, whiter and straighter smiles. This results in a...

Everything You Need To Know About Teeth Straightening

For various reasons, many people have negative thoughts about their smiles. This can have a huge impact on someone’s mental health and cause damaging social and psychological effects. Orthodontics and teeth straightening options have come a long way since the early...

Dental Crowns or Veneers what is the difference?

Veneers and dental crowns are methods to improve the look and feel of your teeth. Although both can improve the appearance of your smile there are some significant differences. Dental restoration can be pricey, especially if on multiple teeth. Therefore, knowing the...

Everything You Need To Know About Airflow Teeth Cleaning

What is Airflow Teeth Cleaning? Airflow teeth cleaning uses a combination of water, compressed air, and fine sodium bicarbonate. It is a powerful dental hygiene treatment that cleans and removes plaque, as well as stain removal from your teeth. How Does Airflow Teeth...

Invisalign FAQ

If you do not have the perfect smile and you are unhappy with your teeth’ appearance, teeth straightening is often the solution. Invisalign braces are the preferred option for millions of people, loved for their near-invisible appearance and the speed at which they...

How To Keep Your Teeth Whiter For Longer After Teeth Whitening

Now you have your perfect white teeth or perhaps you are about to start on the process, you still need to keep in mind once your teeth whitening treatment has finished there are certain things you must do daily to ensure you keep your beautiful sparkling white teeth...

The Danger Of At Home Teeth Whitening

With celebrities donning gleaming white teeth on the screen, in magazines, and on social media, it is hardly surprising that you are considering a teeth whitening treatment. There is nothing wrong with having this desire, as white teeth can boost your confidence and...

Everything You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is extremely popular; after all, who doesn't want the perfect smile? There are various types of teeth whitening treatments available to you, including over-the-counter self-applied products and treatments conducted by a teeth whitening dentist. If you...

How A Smile Makeover Can Give You The Smile You’ve Always Dreamed Of

.We all want the perfect smile, yet many of us feel stuck with the way our teeth look. However, the smile you've always dreamed of is far more accessible and affordable than you might think. A smile makeover is the key to giving your smile an aesthetic boost, along...

Don’t Let Bad Breath Derail Your Valentine’s Day Plans

There are many ways to impress your lover this Valentine’s Day. You can splash out on a new outfit or makeover to look incredible. You can wine and dine them by booking a table at the most luxurious restaurant in town. You can even sweep them off their feet by...